EFFEGI S.p.A. has a system for receiving, managing, analyzing, and processing reports, including anonymous ones, making a portal available to whistleblowers (workers, collaborators, consultants, suppliers, partners, shareholders, and members of corporate bodies) to notify the Company’s governing body of any irregularities they become aware of.
As described in the Whistleblowing Policy, EFFEGI S.p.A. ensures the protection and confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower as well as other persons deserving protection in compliance with Legislative Decree. n. 24/2023 and the information contained in the report (including the identity of the person reported) and, in any case, guarantees protection against any possible retaliation related, even indirectly, to the reported facts.
The Platform is to be used exclusively by those defined as reporters under the regulations and for the purposes indicated. They are not whistleblowing reports and will not, therefore, be considered for example:
External reporting channel operated by the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC).
In the cases strictly specified under Art. 6 and by Art. 19 of Legislative Decree. n. 24/2023, a report can also be made to the relevant authority (ANAC) through the channel available at the following link https://www.anticorruzione.it/-/whistleblowing.
Privacy Policy
Information and personal data disclosed in the context of reports are processed to manage and follow up on the reports, as well as investigate any reported conduct and take necessary measures in accordance with applicable laws, including data protection regulations.